Thursday, August 26, 2010

Episode 3: "It's A Party"

[Sorry for the hiatus, but I've been on vacation at the beach and working hard!]

SO anyways, after Gretchen's second win, many of the other designers' claws come out. April, Peach and Michael D seem to have the biggest problem with Gretchen. Maybe if they put the same amount of effort into their actual designs they might get out of the bottom or the middle of the pack.

The Challenge

This week, Heidi announces on the runway that getting through the first 2 challenges is a "cause for celebration." She tells the designers that they will be meeting Tim Gunn for a party and the designers are automatically skeptical (as they should be).

Tim is waiting for the designers outside of a party store called "Party Glitters." He announces the challenge for the week: The Unconventional Challenge. This season, the designers were to take party supplies and transform them into a runway look. Tim also pointed out that the judges haven't responded well to items that resemble fabric for example: tablecloth, wrapping paper etc. Then the designers were let loose into the store. AJ declared that this was his element. Apparently he loves designing with unconventional items, as well as talk about his love for using unconventional items. Casanova is lost. He decides to grab the "plush puppies" and tablecloths. The designers grab their items and head off to the workroom.

The Workroom

The winner of this challenge would win immunity for the first time in Season 8. So all of the designers are eager to win the security of immunity and start working away. Casanova starts to tear up his "plush puppies" and draping the "skin" over the dress form:

After brutalizing the "plush puppies" Casanova declares, "I feel like I workin at meat market instead of designer." Casanova is not happy with the challenge. It's almost as if he feels like he's too good to make clothes out of party supplies. "We're not making a pinata. We're making a dress, you know."

Andy has started a weave for his dress. His goal is to weave ribbons and use the weave as the entire dress. It seems a little ambitious and the going is verrrry slow.

Michael D...again I am NOT a huge fan of his. He seems to spend a lot of time criticizing everyone around him. Michael D doesn't like the fact that Gretchen is going around the room and giving her opinion:

I think that if the girl who won twice was giving advice, I would definitely take it into account. I feel really bad for Gretchen that these petty designers are taking out their jealousy on her.

Tim enters the room and talks to each of the designers. The highlight of the trip was when Tim was talking to Kristin about her "Animal Wooly Balls:"

Tim visited Peach, who tried to explain that she was going for subtle. Tim balks at this idea telling her that he feels she's too uptight. "It's like you have a piece of coal up your rear end," he tells her. Tim wants her to take a chance--it IS a party supply challenge.

Sarah seems to have a good idea brewing. She had taken a palm tree decoration and spray painted it different colors. Her dress form had potential as she was layering the leaves:

Tim walks over to Casanova and he looks distressed. Casanova explains to Tim that he only bought tablecloths and "plush puppies." Tim tells him he just has to "Make It Work!"

At the end of Tim's visit, he announces to the designers that their models will be coming in for a fitting with a "surprise." Again, the designers know better than to think this is a good thing...

The Surprise

The models enter the workroom with silver gift bags. Tim explains to the designers that they must make an accessory out of the supplies in the bag. All of the designers groan as their workload just got heavier. I was kind of disappointed in the designers because none of them really gave the accessory much thought. Just a lot of bracelets.

Runway Day

Gretchen is fearful of winning again because she feels that if she does, everyone would hate her. Isn't that awful? I really feel like the other designers are really into the petty high school dynamic. They are so consumed in their jealousy that instead of actually trying to get over it and beat her, all they do is constantly b*tch about it.

This week's Guest Judge: Betsey Johnson. This is a great match for the challenge.

I'm kind of disappointed that she didn't do a cartwheel on the runway!

This week my favorites were: Christopher, Andy, Michael C, Gretchen and Valerie. My "eh" picks were: Mondo, Casanova and April. I didn't like them but I didn't dislike them either. My NOT favorites were: Michael D, AJ, Ivy, Peach, Kristin and Sarah.

But let's see what the judges picked...

The Judges Weigh In

After sending the designers who were safe, the judges called the top3/bottom 3 models out for the evaluations.

Top 3

Valerie: Nina Garcia called Valerie's design fun yet sophisticated. She created her dress from paper napkins that she had cut and folded so that they made a pleated skirt. The judges were not impressed with her bracelet accessory, but over all were pleased with her design:

Andy: His design was truly pure craftsmanship. Andy had woven ribbon into intricate braids of black and silver that covered the entire dress. The judges were very impressed that it didn't look like party supplies. Betsey noted that she thought that it might have been a little TOO beautiful, "it could have been more fun."

Gretchen: She is definitely my favorite designer. Gretchen's design aesthetic is right up my alley. She used metallic fringe as a skirt and crumpled paper to create a faux leather jacket look. I LOVED the over all look. So did Nina Garcia. Nina is so impressed with her styling and that she created separates. Heidi liked the look, but not the boots.

Bottom 3

AJ: Awful, Hot Mess. Heidi said that she thought it looked "silly." The dress looked like he just took a lot of shiny decorations and hot glued the hell out of everything.

Michael Kors pointed out the crotch area and AJ explained that he ran out of fabric:

Casanova: The judges are really starting to doubt Casanova's taste level. He tried to explain that he was going for a "couture" look. Michael Kors stated that it looked like a "transvestite flaminco dancer at a funeral."

Sarah: All I can say is SNOOOZE. She had SO much potential in the beginning. Nina Garcia thought it was too simple. Heidi said that she had written sad in her notes.


In the end, Andy ended up winning the challenge and immunity for the next week. The judges narrowed it down to Sarah and Casanova, with Sarah ultimately being asked to leave.

At the end of the show, apparently Ivy fainted in the hotel and had to be rushed to the hospital. You'll have to tune in next time find out what happens, here at the Runway Rundown!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Episode 2: "Larger than Life"

This season just gets better and better with each episode! This week's episode had a BIG challenge and lots of twists! Here's the Rundown:

The Challenge:

This week the Guest Judge was Joanna Coles, the Editor in Chief of Marie Claire magazine.

The designers were assigned to create a look that embodied the Marie Claire woman. The winner of the challenge would have their look featured in a giant billboard in the middle of Times Square! Ms. Coles told the designers that the Marie Claire woman was fun, sexy and fashion forward; the design needed to tell the world who was a Marie Claire woman.

The Workroom:

The designers rushed off to the workroom to sketch and brainstorm. Then it was off to Mood with Tim Gunn for fabric. Peach seemed a bit lost at Mood and it escalated in the workroom when Tim started to make his rounds.

Peach ultimately decides to scrap her first dress...and her second dress...

Another designer that Tim was worried about with Jason. I am seriously doubting his aesthetic right now. His fabric is a metallic satin and some sort of skeezy bedspread you would find in a 40 yr old bachelor pad. (But don't worry--his design gets MUCH worse).

Casanova did a complete 180! He even said himself that he went from "prostitute to nun" this week. Tim was worried it was too matronly. Casanova pretended he didn't understand what Tim was saying. Nicholas stated that Casanova is playing the judges and he speaks perfect English in the workroom without Tim there.

Nicholas' top looked suspiciously like the back of Gretchen's dress (which won last week)--Gretchen pointed out. Look:

Interesting, but I don't think Gretchen has anything to be worried about...

Twist #1:

Tim enters the room once more and announces the first twist--their design was going to a photoshoot BEFORE the runway. Many of the designers groaned knowing that their morning before time would be cut. However I really don't think anyone was really behind schedule.

The Photoshoot:

During the photoshoot, it seems that all of the flaws were unravelling. Jason didn't finish his design and decided to hold it together pins. He used staples last week and now safety pins? I am really starting to think he can't sew at all! Jason also chose the WORST picture for his dress, showcasing the hole in the middle of the garment.

I also think Peach has given up at this point. Her model couldn't exactly model. Even the photographer noted that her model was very flat.

Runway Show:

Again a lot of designers, a lot of garments. My favorites were: AJ, Andy, Michael C, Casanova, Christopher, Gretchen, Sarah (her dress was Clemson colors!) and Valerie. My not so favorites were: April, Michael D (I really can't stand him), Nicholas, Peach, Jason and Kristin.

Judges Weigh In:

This week there was an actual top 3/bottom 3.

Top 3: I really liked all of the top designs this week. I wouldn't have minded any of them winning. I would have been happy with any of the designs on the billboard.

Valerie: The judges raved about her red trench dress. The loved that it was sexy yet not vulgar. Joanna loved the red, commenting that it was powerful and sexy; and said that it would be a perfect color for a billboard.

Gretchen: Heidi really loved the opening on the front of the jumpsuit, how it could open up more for a sexy night time look. Michael Kors stated that she was a "modern woman from head to toe." Nina Garcia loved that it had no season, no age and a modern aesthetic. I wish I was model skinny to pull this look off haha.

Mondo: He went from not having any confidence to being in the top 3! The judges loved that the garment had great spirit. They also loved the photo stating that it was "wimsical." Michael Kors commented on his use of tweed "in a cute way."

Bottom 3

Peach: Oh my goodness. This whole episode has been a train wreck for Peach. Michael Kors told her that it looked like an "amish cocktail dress." The judges called her styling matronly and said it looked too much like ladies out to lunch. (Which is EXACTLY what Peach stated was her aesthetic in the opening of last week's premier)

Jason: Too many excuses. The judges called him out on the safety pins in the picture. Joanna commented that it was "unsexy" and even questioned if he's ever talked to a woman before. After judging, Jason blamed his model and the fact that the judges didn't get his "infinity, 8" idea for getting him into the bottom 3. Man up, your outfit was AWFUL!

Nicholas: He seemed a little lost puppy when he was called for the bottom 3. The judges explained that there were too many things, too many details going on in his outfit. They hated the cape, they hated the back of the blouse and just thought it was just plain unsexy. Later in deliberation, they felt he might have been too ambitious in making so many pieces because each one of them had SOMETHING wrong with it.


Winner: Gretchen! She got the chance for her design to be out on a huge billboard in Times Square! Check out my page "Winners' Circle" to see her actual billboard!

Who Went Home: Jason...and for Twist #2: the judges also sent Nicholas home as well.

So tune in next week for the "unconventional challenge"! Where it looks like they'll have to make an outfit out of party supplies? I love these ones. Some people can get really creative and some people...will of course be "out."

Project Runway on Lifetime @ 9pm Eastern and if you miss out--you can always get the synopsis here at the Runway Rundown!